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Puslapis iš Vikižodyno, laisvojo žodyno.

Welcome to Lithuanian Wiktionary!

Irrespective of your language skills, you are welcome to create your own User Page and contribute to the project by introducing interwiki, loading images, correcting the data, discussing problems and cooperating with local community.

We do not have separate help pages for foreign users therefore if you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate asking any of the local users or administrators in their talk page (or in your own user/talk page, if you prefer), and your questions will be answered as soon as possible.

Some hints you may find useful

  • The category containing a list of language userboxes available in Lithuanian Wiktionary is Kategorija:Kalbų šablonai.
  • The Recent changes can be accessed via link Naujausi keitimai on the left side menu.
  • To upload a file, press on link Įkelti failą on the left side menu.
  • The list of pages that link to a particular page is accessed via link Susiję straipsniai on the left side menu.
  • If you want to run your bot at this wiki you should place request at Wiktionary:Botai.

If you think there is any other information which should be but is not included in this page, please let us know on the talk page [1].

Happy editing!